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(NB: The French version of this section is the most up-to-date)

When do you have to think about a CORONAVIRUS infection?

A possible case of COVID-19 is a person with :

- At least one of the following major symptoms with an acute onset and no other apparent cause: cough, dyspnea (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing), chest pain, loss of taste or smell;
- at least two of the following minor symptoms with no other apparent cause: fever, muscle aches, tiredness, rhinitis, sore throat, headache, loss of appetite, watery diarrhea, acute confusion, sudden drop;
- An exacerbation of chronic respiratory symptoms (COPD, asthma, chronic cough...) with no other obvious cause.

As soon as the symptoms start, stay in self-isolation at home and contact your GP by phone to perform a COVID test. The quarantine lasts a minimum of 7 days from the first symptoms and only stops if there has been no fever and a significant improvement in symptoms for 3 days.

What is a high risk person?

A COVID-19 high risk contact is a person who has been in direct contact with a person whose COVID test came back positive:
- If the contact lasted at least 15 minutes, within 1.5 metres, without wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth.
- In the period between 2 days before and 7 days after the positive test result.

In this case, you must remain in quarantine at home for 10 days after the last contact and carry out a test immediately if you have symptoms or after 7 days if you don't have symptoms.

 Advices against Covid-19 infection

  1. Wear your mask, cover your nose and mouth as soon as you leave the house.
  2. Respect the hygienic precautions (wash your hands regularly and after each manipulation of your mask).
  3. Keep a distance of 1.5 metres from other people.
  4. Avoid contact with other people for more than 15 minutes if you are not wearing a mask and if you are at least 1.5 metres away from them.
  5. Limit your close contacts.
  6. Give preference to outdoor activities

Websites and informations
For more information on coronavirus, please consult the following links:

To take an appointment for a COVID-PCR test :
To view the results of your COVID PCR test